Sunday, April 15, 2007

A FREE course you need to check out!


Grab this free course before Dan comes to his senses!

Right now, Dan Kelly is giving away an awesome course called
"Mini-Site Secrets Revealed". Basically, the course is a series
of videos that will walk you through everything you need to know
to setup your very own sales letter website... complete with an
order page, payment links, a protected download area, and much,
much more.

Even if you don't know difference between PHP and a PDF, Dan is
going to hold your hand and show you, step-by-step exactly what
you need to do to get YOUR SITE up and taking orders - today!

The best thing's free!

You really need to see everything that Dan is giving away...

I just got my free membership, and I've got to say this course
is awesome. Dan makes it so simple for anyone to get a website
up and running. I just had to share it with you.

Dan told me I could let a few people know about the site before
he starts charging for the course, and I knew that you'd want to
know right away. :-)

Go ahead and check it out right now...

To YOUR Success,

P.S. For now, Dan's giving his course away for free, so there is
no risk. But, you need to hurry because he could start charging
a hefty membership fee real soon.


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