Saturday, March 31, 2007
10 Steps To Becoming A Super Affiliate
about you, but in my books, this is not a living. Becoming
a super affiliate and joining the 5% who ARE making their
living online is not difficult. Follow these simple steps
and you're on your way to joining the ranks of the super
1. Mindset: Get in touch with your grey matter. Program your
mind with positive, committed thoughts. If you believe it,
you can achieve it. It sounds a bit like a sales seminar,
but the bottom line is, if you don't believe you can make a
living online, you won't. You have to be committed. Commit
to yourself that you will develop an income online – no
matter what it takes. Think of your business as a bacon and
eggs breakfast. The chicken was involved, the pig was
2. Viewpoint: This is your business. Once you've
accomplished your first hurdle and committed yourself to
making this work, you have to look at your business from
the proper viewpoint. No rose coloured glasses here. This
is your business. You are the CEO of your own marketing
company. You can choose to offer your services to one or
several companies. Bottom line, you are responsible for
every action in your company. Every decision you make
affects your income.
3. Learning Curve: Expect it. Becoming an affiliate is
like going to college or university. You start at the
beginning, learn the basics and build on what you learn.
Take it step-by-step and you'll build a much stronger
business. Think of it like becoming a doctor. One doesn't
decide to become a doctor with the expectation of opening
a successful practice one week from now. It takes time to
learn the products or services you're marketing and it
takes time to learn to run your business.
4. Budget: Time and money. Set a general budget for both.
As a business owner, you'll use plenty of time developing
and promoting your affiliate business. Budget as much time
as you can each day and make sure you use your time wisely.
Set up a budget for your monetary expenses too. You can run
a business online with a shoestring budget; just don't
expect a mammoth income in the beginning. The more you can
invest in your business, the better. This doesn't mean
that simply throwing money at your business will make it
grow. Every dollar that goes out your door, needs to come
back in and bring another dollar with it.
5. Goals: s/he shoots - s/he scores! Your goals will get
you through the tough times. There'll be lots of days when
you feel like quitting. If you make your goals tangible,
you'll make it through the tough days. Money isn't a
motivator, but what money can buy, is. Set your goals for a
family vacation, a new car, boat, or home. It's much easier
to get excited about a shiny red corvette in your driveway
than $100,000 sitting in your bank account. Money is only
numbers on a piece of paper or a computer screen, but it
can bring you a luxurious lifestyle, and that's where the
fun is.
6. Nuts and Bolts: Once you've got your house in order,
with the proper mindset, you're looking at your business
from a realistic viewpoint, you've got an open mind and
you're ready to learn, you've set aside some time and money
and you've got pictures of your dream house, car and
vacation plastered on your wall, you're ready to go hunting.
The next step is to find a business that interests you and
offers an affiliate program with a reasonable commission.
For information products, one of the most popular and
profitable products online, you can and should expect a
commission of 40% - 50% or more.
Pick a product that interests you. Buy it and use it. Your
business is based on your recommendations of a product or
service. If you haven't used it, how can you recommend it?
Running around in circles after the newest, hottest selling
product of the day, only leaves you dizzy and broke. If
you like astronomy, becoming an affiliate of a star chart
company may be a good fit. Selling women's pantyhose may
7. Look before you leap: Finding a company to represent, as
an affiliate is one thing, finding a company that respects
its affiliates is another. Do a bit of research before you
jump on the bandwagon. Send an email to the company as if
you're a potential customer. 24 – 48 hours is a good
response time. This shows that someone is actually running
the company. It also gives you an idea of their commitment.
Generally, the faster the response, the more committed the
company is to doing business. The quality of the response
is also important. Did the response answer your question?
Was it written in a friendly, professional manor? Did they
answer your question directly or simply send you to a FAQ
8. Flip the switch: If everything checks out up to this
point, then your next step is to take action. Fill out the
affiliate application form and get your affiliate URL. Now
the ball is in your court. It's time to get down to brass
tacks. If you freeze now, you make no money and flush your
goals down the toilet. If you take action, you make it one
step closer to your goals.
9. If you build it – they will come: OK not really, but you
do have to build it. If you want to maximize your income
and be taken seriously, you need to own a website. Just
like a brick and mortar business, you need a professional
location to offer your products. Yes, you get an affiliate
URL when you sign up as an affiliate, but promoting an
affiliate link looks amateur and will help you LOSE 98% of
your sales. We'll cover this in point 10.
10. Follow-up = Sales: Only 2% of your prospects will sign
up or buy what you're offering, on their first visit. 98%
of your sales will be made from your follow up. There's a
very simple method for following up and making sales
i. Check your favourite search engine to locate a free
ebook, software program or report that relates to your
offer. If you're promoting a website that sells peanut
butter, a free peanut butter recipe book would be a good
match. Your give-away must always relate to the product
you're promoting to maximize the results of this system.
ii. Build a page on your website to give away your free
peanut butter recipe book. Design the page as if you were
designing a sales page. Make people's mouths water until
they want the recipes so bad they'd gladly pay for them,
but then give it to them free. All they have to do is fill
in their name and email address in the simple form and
you'll send their recipe book to them instantly via email.
iii. As soon as your peanut butter prospect fills out the
form on your site and clicks the send button, they are
taken to your affiliate URL where they can buy peanut
butter. At the same time, the peanut butter recipe book is
sent to their email address.
iv. Now your peanut butter prospect receives an email from
you each week with new tips and useful peanut butter
information. This information positions you as a peanut
butter expert and gives you the opportunity to promote your
peanut butter affiliate website once a week, to hot
prospects. This is where you'll make 98% of your sales.
Although this may seem like an overwhelming amount of work
for the beginner, it's all very simple. The whole process
is run from an autoresponder, a simple piece of email
software that automatically sends your prewritten email
messages on a predetermined schedule.
Your success as an affiliate is determined by you. 95% of
the people that read this simple guide will do nothing with
it. 5% of the people that read this guide will put all the
pieces in place and start making a living as an affiliate.
All you have to decide is which side of the coin you want
to be on.
To your success
If you're interested in becoming a Super Affiliate, get your free copy of the "Business Building Basics Home Study Course" from
Monday, March 26, 2007
Earn $33.50 Instantly!
I'll tell you how you can make some quick, instant cash in just a minute, but first...
If you've been in Internet Marketing for any length of time you've heard these sayings:
You must have your own opt-in mailing list
The money is in the list
Your list is made of gold
It's true - without your own opt-in list, you're dead in the water!
But while building a list of prospects is important, what's even more important is what you do with your list after you build it.
That's where this report comes in...
Golden List Secrets details for you EXACTLY how to make your opt-in list members responsive, how to build rapport with them...
And THAT'S the key to turning your list into gold!
Get YOUR Golden List Secrets now:
Now, about those instant commissions...
It's very simple. Just sign up for the free Golden List Secrets report (and the special bonus report, The Missing Link), login to the member's area, grab your affiliate link and promote it.
You'll earn 50% ($33.50!) every time one of your referrals purchases the one-time offer - paid INSTANTLY to your PayPal account!
Go, grab your copies NOW, and have your opt-in list members pulling out their wallets in no time!
Warm regards,
Sunday, March 25, 2007
$97 training manual - FREE
I have a special
offer for you today.
Nothing to buy, so put your wallet away. :o)
I was given the "Thank You Page" for Derrick VanDyke's
newly revised "Affiliate Cash Secrets" and was told I could
share it with anyone...A $97 Value absolutely F-R-E-E with
no strings attached.
Check it out here:
The package includes the "Affiliate Cash Secrets" ebook,
The "Free Traffic Secrets" training manual, and the
"Affiliate Organizer" software.
You can download the whole package here:
Have a great day,
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Opportunist vs. Entrepreneur...
Two things...
The reason I bring it up is that Fabio Marciano and Mike Ambrosio went out and found 13 top butterfly marketers to interrogate and get them to reveal all of their strategies for success. These interviews, which don't cost anything to listen to, are 100% pure info...without the usual teleseminar BS and upsell garbage.
The reason I bring up Schefren is that these guys on the calls have really focused in on their core competencies and what they're good at and they got paid very, very handsomely as a result.
If you're anxious to take your business to the next level, but have not been able to build a profitable info marketing funnel, then you are going to love this...
Mike and Fabio have put together, by far, the best interview product this year.
Seriously, it's that good.
Best of all, you can get acess to the interviews at no cost.
There are quite a few fast action bonuses so make sure you check it out today...
Read this review of an amazing website I recommed. . .
The other day I came across a site called Desk Top Bucks and
I must say I was pretty impressed with it.
So today I want to give you a review of this new website
that truly is a "must have" resource for anyone building an
online business.
This is not some site were it is "valued $147" people have
actually paid $147 a year to be a member of this site. Trust
me there's a big difference.
You can check out the original sales letter here:
(DO NOT sign up for an account on the home page unless you
want to pay full price. I'll show you how to get your
account at the end of this review.)
But first, let me tell you why I absolutely believe you need
to check this out.
Desk Top Bucks has been set up by Kevin Rohan - a very
successful business and marketing consultant based in
Over the last 4 years Kevin has applied his real world
marketing experience to the internet and has created over
multiple highly profitable websites in numerous niche
markets that provide a very respectable income.
After achieving his own online success he wanted to help the
average Joe cut through the excessive and confusing hype
that currently saturates the internet marketing industry.
His aim was to provide members with every detail of the
exact steps he has personally used to create websites that
automatically generate him and others income day after day.
When I asked Kevin why he was doing this he said, "I am sick
of all the B.S. out there. I really just want to create a
site that I wish was out there when I got started online."
And on that note here's just a quick overview of what you'll
get as a Desk Top Bucks member:
1) The "Internet Marketing Boot Camp" - is a series of 10
lessons filled with over 6 hours of audio and over 7 hours
of original step-by-step video lessons over 30 days that
train you in the fundamentals of building a profitable
internet business.
* How to make an entire website from scratch
* Setting up your website & hosting
* Creating information products
* Setting up an auto-responders
* Adding & creating popups that work
* Adding & creating graphics for your site
* How to put testing and tracking in place
* Automating your website so that it runs hands
* How to processing credit cards online
* Setting up an your own affiliate program
* All of this is covered and more in the Internet
Marketing Boot Camp!
And that's just the start...
Here's what you also get:
2) The "Movie Center" with over 12 hours of full motion
video from some of the world's best internet marketers like:
* Alex Mandossian
* Armand Morin
* Perry Marshall
* Declan Dunn
* Ken Giddens
* And more!
Others paid thousands to attend the seminars in these videos
- it's included in your membership.
3) A question center where members can ask Kevin anything
about making it online.
4) A download center that contains special reports, recorded
calls on list building and internet marketing basics and a
complete case study of the Desk Top Bucks website itself
detailing exactly how he put it together.
All of this, by the way, is *original* content by Kevin
detailing his personal success strategies in detail.
Members get to "look over his shoulder" as he shows the
exact steps, tips, tricks and techniques he uses to build
and generate profit from his own websites.
5) A marketing center that provides training on affiliate
marketing including sample emails, squeeze page templates,
videos, banners, ezine advertising and much more.
As a member you automatically become an affiliate for the
website and can earn money by helping to promote it.
New content is being added to the members' area constantly.
For example, over the next few weeks Kevin is adding a
conference call on Affiliate Marketing and a live case study
on generating large amounts of web traffic with article
(The article marketing case study alone is going to last at
least a year.)
Now I am going to be upfront with you there is an OTO.
Kevin has put together a membership upgrade package of
software and tools that he has hand-picked to help you get
your online businesses up and running as fast as possible
This package includes a copy of Adtrackz (considered one of
the most powerful testing and tracking software packages
available), a membership site script, article submission &
pop up ad creation software, survey software, fly in ad
creator, web audio creator and more.
Kevin is also creating step-by-step video training to show
you exactly how to use the key software in this package -
very impressive!
The upgrade package is offered to new members who join Desk
Top Bucks for a one time $97 payment.
When you consider that Adtrackz alone can not be purchased
anywhere else for less than $79 you'll understand what a
great deal this is, let alone all the other great software
and the video training.
Kevin has indicated that the package will be made available
in the members' area soon, but it will be at least twice the
price than when it is first offered to new members. If
you're serious about jump starting your online business, I
highly recommend you take him up the offer at $97 when you
see it.
Regardless of whether you decide to upgrade your
membership or not, you're going to absolutely enjoy the
many, many hours of audio and video training available in
the members area and the regular updates.
Desk Top Bucks truly is a "must have" website membership.
As mentioned above, there is a way for you to get a
membership to Desk Top Bucks, normally $147 a year.
To grab your account now and check it out
for yourself go here:
This is my gift to you for taking the time to read this
review! Take and use it to benefit your online business.
Here's to your success,
Friday, March 23, 2007
Discover How You Can Have Your Own Successful Business Online In 30 Days ... Or LESS!
the way that people do business online. Sometimes it's a
new software product, sometimes it's a traffic generator.
Right now, online marketer Richard Legg is putting the
finishing touches to his new online marketing course
"Succeed In 30 Days - How anyone can have an online
business in a month or less"
I've had a sneak preview of the course and I can tell
you it is absolutely amazing. If you are a newbie, or
if you've tried every program under the sun... and failed, this WILL help you finally succeed online. As part of the
course you'll discover:
> How to have your own "Online Empire" even if you have
absolutely no experience.
> How to generate a list of Hungry buyers for ANY site.
> How to advertise to millions of people legitimately.
> How to get the most essential tool, that every marketer
needs. Without it, you could lose 90% of sales.
(You'll be shown how to get it at No-Cost!)
> Plus: Instant Access to a resource that can make you
$50 or more within one hour of joining.
Plus much, much more...
As you can guess, a package like this could easily sell
for hundreds *BUT* act now and you can get instant access
at no cost to you whatsoever!
Not many people know this, but in order to tweak and
perfect the course, Richard is GIVING away a limited number
of V.I.P memberships to the first few people to visit the
site and join up. This way he can get feedback and improve it.
Once he's confident, he's going to start charging up to
$197 - $297 for the course.
I have been given access to a special V.I.P link to share
with a few people. Visit the site now, and you can join
for absolutely nothing. You can save hundreds!
Like I said, there are only a limited number of V.I.P
memberships and many are gone already. If you want to
grab a copy, you must visit now and secure it before
someone else does..
All the best,
P.S. Using the last item on the list, I generated two $50
payments in my first hour. And it didn't cost me a penny!
Make sure to sign up now before he starts charging for it.
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Here is 250 Private Label Artcles for Free!
I have a gift for you today that you can have
for absolutely no cost...
The gift is a package of 250 Private Label articles.
This is an amazing giveaway and I don't want
you to miss out on it.
Having Private Label Rights means you can:
- Use them as content for your website
- Add your name as the author
- Re-write them to suit you
- Re-brand the articles
You could use these articles for your own web site, ezine,
blog, autoresponder messages, ebooks, reports, article directory
submissions and more..
P.S. Dont wait this is a limited time offer!
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Michael Rasmussen's "Email Promos Exposed" Video Series: How to Write Killer Email Promos That Get Results!
to write an email promotion to your list, and
then realized that you didn't know what to say or
how to say it?
Michael Rasmussen's new video course "Email
Promos Exposed" promises to solve that problem
for you by walking you through the actual process
of creating killer email promos step-by-step.
If you're in a hurry, just go ahead visit this
URL to get instant free access to these videos:
I decided to see if Michael's videos live up to
their promise by trying them out myself. Here's
what I found:
Overall Quality
The first thing I noticed when I opened up the
first video was the stunning production quality.
He used Camtasia Studio for the production, which
is now the industry standard for creating
high-quality screen capture video products. The
audio is near studio quality, and the graphics
are very professional. These videos were made by
someone who KNOWS what he's doing. Well done!
I also liked how Michael divided the videos up by
section, and then again by sub-section. For
example, one video is all about the subject line,
and then there are different parts of that video
that each cover a certain area of crafting a
killer subject line.
Now let's move onto...
Here's a brief summary of each video. Obviously
it's impossible to list every single thing here,
but I want you to get a feel for what each one
covered, and how well it covered it.
If you're in a hurry, just go ahead visit this
URL to get instant free access to these videos:
This video served as an introduction to the whole
course. You get to see a picture of Michael in
his every day life, and he establishes his
credibility right up front by talking about some
of his massive successes online. He even provides
proof of credibility by displaying two checks in
the amount of $50,000 and $25,000 which prove
that, when it comes to the subject of making
money with email promos, he knows his stuff.
This is a good lesson for anyone to get. Whenever
you're teaching people how to do something, it's
good to establish your credibility up front, so
that there's no doubt about whether or not you're
qualified to talk about the subject. Most product
developers either skip or minimize this step.
This video talks about some things that no other
marketer has bothered to mention. You'll learn
things like:
* The mindset you need in order to write a killer
* The different tools you need before you get
* How to keep your emails laser-focused
* How to create an outline that practically
writes the email for you.
This was a fantastic video, and did a good job of
kicking things off.
I liked this video, because it talked about one
of MY biggest weaknesses when it comes to writing
email promos... the subject line. The subject
line is a confusing topic, because nobody's 100%
sure what the best tactics are.
Michael breaks it down, and reveals:
* The biggest secret for writing a subject line
that makes people insanely curious.
* Techniques for personalizing the subject line.
* Mistakes to avoid when using personalization.
I was surprised to find that I was making some of
the mistakes that Michael mentioned in this
video, but now I know better.
This is where a lot of people slack off when
writing their emails. Michael talks about how
important it is to create an opening that is
conversational, and then reveals techniques and
examples on how to do that.
He also reveals:
* How to get people to keep reading your email
once they've opened it.
* How to make your opening interesting.
* Mistakes to avoid when creating your first few
This is one of the "meatiest" portions of the
course, because it reveals techniques that are
not widely discussed on the forums, blogs, and in
most eBooks. He talks about the importance of
keeping your body copy tight and relevant, and
then reveals how you can do that. You'll also
* How to write powerful bullets that make people
curious and want to find out more.
* Simple formatting tricks for making your body
copy easy to read.
* The secret of "bucket brigade copy" and how to
use it in your email promos to force people to
keep reading.
This is where a lot of people wimp out in their
email promos. They start out strong, but when it
comes time to ask the reader to click the link
and take action, they don't know what to say.
Michael talks about some of his favorite
techniques for making that happen, and also
* The "magic question" to ask yourself that will
make your close much more powerful.
* The secret of the "unanswered question" and why
handling this is a surefire way to get people to
act right away.
* The structure of a powerful close.
* Mistakes people make when creating their close.
Some people say that the P.S. is one of the most
important parts of the email, because it is often
the one thing that gets people to click the link
at the end. In this video, Michael talks about:
* Why you should including a P.S. at the end of
your email.
* The 4 different kinds of P.S.'s you can use
(this section was a real eye-opener for me).
I loved this video, because it showed me some
mistakes that I was making that I wasn't even
aware of. Unless you're a seasoned pro, you're
probably guilty of some of the things that
Michael talks about in this video as well, and
that's why it's so valuable. I've shaved years
off my learning curve, because now I can avoid
some of the costly mistakes that I was bound to
make in the learning process.
This video alone is going to make me a lot of
money. Why? Because I used to only send out one
email promo for each affiliate promotion I was
doing. Michael showed me in this video how
important it is to send a follow-up promotion,
and he showed me exactly how to do it. He covered
things like:
* The psychology of follow-up email promo's.
* The 2 main types of follow-up promos that make
the most money.
* How to overcome readers' objections in your
follow up emails.
* The 2 most common mistakes people make when
writing follow-ups and how to avoid them.
Every marketing guru out there says that the REAL
money is on the back end. I'd have to agree with
them, but the problem is... most people have no
idea how to set up a back end system that makes
money. This video will teach you how to set up an
automated back end that's loaded with killer
promos that make you lots of cash on autopilot.
He reveals things like:
* The big difference between regular and back end
email promos.
* How to prepare a back end promotion sequence.
* Common mistakes people make when creating back
end email promos.
This could be the most important video of the
entire package for a lot of people, because most
people email their list to promote other people's
products as an affiliate. Let's face it, if you
only have 3 products, can you really afford to
only email your list 3 times a year? They'll get
bored hearing about the same old products over
and over again. This video sheds some light on
how to create killer affiliate promos. Michael
reveals things like:
* The two main types of affiliate promos.
* What makes affiliate promos different than
regular promos (and why ignoring this huge secret
could cost you big money).
* Michael's favorite tactics for creating
affiliate promos that no one else is doing.
* 3 different ways to add scarcity to your
affiliate promos (this is the most important
section of the video, so make sure you watch it
over and over again).
As you can see, Email Promos Exposed really packs
a lot of punch! Most of the courses out there
offer only watered down, weak content. Not this
one! These videos are going on my "A-list" for a
long time.
I've already watched them twice, and plan on
reviewing them every couple months to make sure
that I have the principals, techniques and
tactics burned into my mind.
If email marketing is an important part of your
business (and in my opinion, it's the most
important part of ANY online business), then you
owe it to yourself to check out Michael's
exciting new videos, Email Promos Exposed.
Here's the URL where you can get instant free access
to the videos right now.
Monday, March 19, 2007
Create Your Traffic Explosion!
Do you want to know how to increase trafficto your website?
Let's face it, we all want MORE traffic.
More traffic increases our opportunitiesfor sales and generating leads.
There are a lot of traffic tactics onand off the Internet.
The real question is which ones work andwhich ones don't.
Well, Jacob Stein is going to help youget to the bottom of that question as heinterviews some of the top traffic Gurus.
Just go here....
P.S. This is an incredible opportunity,don't miss out on it. Do it now...

Unspoken, But Crucial To Your Online Success
Hey Guys,
In the beginning there was the marketer. There are certain truths you come to understand the more time you spend making money online – or trying to.
Witness the evolution of marketing online. Whether you are new to the net game or an experienced pro, there is one thing you will have in common if you are moving towards entrepreneurial success.
As you read this article you will realize what you have in common with all the other million dollar earners online, and what you’re missing that can take you from where you are to where you want to be.
So let’s get started shall we?
I will begin with a bullet point list and short explanation of the marketing necessities you want to have:
For starters, most established markets will already be using this by default:
- A Domain: something specific to what you want to promote like (
- Hosting: a place to put your site, if you’re planning on making money – find a paid solution so you look like a credible business and you cut back on high traffic crashes.
- A website: your image your presence and your marketing message, don’t get pulled into the trap I see everywhere of trying to put too many choices on your website. Maximize on the effectiveness by only giving one purpose to a page. For example if you want to build a list - focus all your efforts and copy on that singular focus, if you want your site to sell a product, then only put that focus on your site. You’ll also need a good editing program, and an ftp software to get this up and moving.
- A merchant account: If you have something to sell, people will need a way to pay you. There are a ton of great providers out there, but there are a specific few that give your visitors the security to pull out a credit card with assurance.
- An Autoresponder: This is a real necessity if you want a business and not just a hobby. When you have a family to support this is a real no brainer. This is your email follow up service. You get a name added to your list and this is where they go. You will use this to stay in touch and build relationships with your customers and soon-to-be customers.
- A helpdesk: in the beginning when your business and sales are small you can handle all the little questions and emails yourself. One of the things that will keep a small business is small is thinking “I can do that myself” if you want to truly grow; you need to share the workload (petty tasks) and focus on what you truly want to do creatively for your business.
- Membership Site software: once you’re addicted to the internet marketing lifestyle, you will realize this oh-so-simple fact, it’s great to make a sale, but it’s even better to make a sale once and get paid for it every month. Continuity is king.
- Teleconferencing software: If you want an easy way to create and crank out high ticket products, audios and a transcript is an easy to make, high-value product.
Of course everything we’ve touched on so far only scratches the surface, but these are the necessities that not only get you started but will make you above average. Keep your eyes peeled for more articles that will take you from beginner to winner.
We’ll cover resources that will help you stay organized and expand your business to make you truly prosperous such as:
-PDF creators and converters
- Mind mapping software
- Site tools to make your business a set and forget it – money magnet
- Internet video and audio creating software
- And the how-to’s of outsourcing
Keep learning, and most important: be persistent – it will be a quality you share with the biggest money makers online today…
To get more information or download your own copy of the Resource Report for free visit:
Yours In Success,
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Get ready made Content Websites and PLR Products.
Do you know how many people jump on the "Internet marketing bandwagon" each year? I don't know the exact number either but it must be thousands. The competition is getting bigger and bigger. But WHY? Because everyone heard there's money to be made in Internet marketing. "Gurus" with large lists who send an email to their subscribers making them another 70,000 bucks.
They don't see how long it took them to get to this point and how they had to develop an ongoing relationship with their subscribers.
They are just thinking in terms of fast money...
But is it really that easy, that fast? No, certainly not. These so called "Gurus" have been in this field for years when it was not as overcrowded as it is now. Nowadays, it's like being a little piranha in a pool full of sharks. Competition is fierce.
The first ones had a big advantage over others who started later. If you are starting now with another Internet marketing ezine which are dimes a dozen, you will be crushed. How do you want to build a list if you are not unique?
What's your niche?
You should not think in terms of fast bucks but rather in terms of hobbies and interests. This is the only way to make sure that you will enjoy what you are doing. You want to put your energy into something that is fun to you. If you go the Internet marketing way but don't really enjoy it, you will feel like being in another "job" again. It should not be work to you. It must be something you would enjoy even if you would not get paid for it.
Do you like to build model ships? There's a product. Are you a great chess player? There's a product. Do you know how to save hundreds of dollars on holiday travels? There's a product. And then you can start offering your knowledge in the form of info products which are not restricted to ebooks only. Create audio interviews, create video tutorials, offer a service. Do whatever it takes to turn your hobby into a moneymaker.
Ask your friends and contacts what they would need and how much they would be willing to pay for it. Then give it to them.
Never stop learning...
Only when you are actively searching for ways to improve your abilities and gain more knowledge about your subject, you will be up to date and get an advantage over your competitors. Some people just don't get it. They are trying to accomplish things on their own without even spending a minimum of money on their own education.
So instead of buying ebooks and courses from people who have already done what they want to do, they try to find it out all by themselves and for free. Yes, I must confess, personally, I am an info product junkie and whenever I find a great sales letter that is telling me how get better results in Internet marketing, I jump on it. But only presupposed the price is in my reach...
The most expensive ebook which I have bought so far was $167 but nevertheless was a great investment. In contrast to this; I bought an ebook for $47 some weeks ago about how to get more traffic and I must confess it had a terrific sales letter.
But when I read those materials, I had seen that it was nothing more than rehashed material from other sources. No personal experiences, no resources given, nothing. So I simply asked for my money back and that really is the great thing about info products. If you don't like them, you can ask for your money back. I won't mention his name here but I'm sure I won't buy from him again...
Nevertheless, I'm buying new products every month (at least 2-3) and you should too.
How to dominate your niche
Your idea doesn't have to be perfect.
Your site doesn't have to be perfect.
You don't have to be perfect.
You just have to make START.
By far too many people are daydreaming about how nice it would be if they could work from home, enjoying what they're doing. But they never take ACTION! You can always improve things later if you know what the reason for your bad results is. That's why you will have to test and track everything until you know you are getting the best possible results. There are too many people just doing the same that others are doing.
Don't just be a copycat. Get your own ideas and most importantly: Put them into practice! Test and track. Try to come up with products which are so desperately needed that your prospects would pay almost any price to get it. (More on finding and developing your niche can be found in Randy Charach's excellent ebook on the subject called "Niche Magic".) If you have reached this point, you will know when you are dominating your niche.
Get your free Content Website and PLR Articles here:
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To Your Success,Phil